Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Reincarnation – A Reality, Science or Myth ???

Reincarnation – A Reality, Science or Myth ???

Have you ever wondered why we come across only a few specific people in our life out of the millions across the world? Why do some people repel us at the first introduction itself while some make us feel as though we have known each other for years? Despite being related to each other by birth why is there a distance and difficulty maintaining that relationship while at times a stranger would mean much more to you and stand by you through all the upheavals in your life. Haven’t we all at some point of our life wondered as to why good things happen to bad people and vice versa? 

This plethora of thoughts have been crossing my mind for years together following the experiences, circumstances, situations and challenges life has thrown at me. However, the confusion has now been put to rest with all the pieces of this giant jigsaw puzzle having found its pieces in the right place and order from the most trustworthy and valid source of information, the ‘Bhagvad Gita’ as told by Shri Krishna himself. It was a blessing indeed with the opportunity given by my closest friend, philosopher and guide who incidentally turned out to be the ‘medium’ Krishna chose, to enlighten me and provide the answers to all my queries.

Some might call Reincarnation a superstition; some might find it a subject worth discussing to the extent of it being just a supernatural entertainment or a paranormal activity. Some might even just ignore it thinking this to be a crazy thought unworthy of being considered. There is a deep fear down within them of the ‘unknown’ and as long as the unknown is not known to them, ‘Ignorance is bliss’. Most of us would prefer to stay away from discussing this subject ‘coz we are certain that there is certain revelation that life has to offer which we are not prepared to accept. We are worried that these revelations would make us feel responsible for every action that we take and every word that we speak. Life would be restricted, and it is a normal human tendency that we do not like to be curbed or told what to do and what not to do. Hence, we prefer not to delve too much into the unknown and stay away from it by terming the truth to be ‘superstition’.

            Who am I? Who is God? What is our relationship with the power we call God? What is Life? Once we know the answers to these questions, we know exactly how we are expected to live our life and all the mysteries of the term ‘life’ are resolved instantly. Every single human being we meet in our day-to-day life is associated with us transcendentally and our association with these human beings, whether you would like to believe it or not is actually a result of our past ‘karmas’. Why else do we have to face good reactions and bad reactions from the people surrounding us? We might not be doing any harm to others however we become victims to their feeling of wrath, jealousy, contempt etc. towards us. If this thought has worried us for years, all that we need to realize is that this is the result of our past ‘karmas’ and the scores are merely being settled now and shall continue to do so in our future lives as well.

            Have you ever wondered what happens after death? Where do we go? Our body which is a mixture of earth, water, fire, air and ether mergers with the nature however what happens to our mind, intelligence and ego which adds to make the human being that we are. The force that makes our mind to act in a particular fashion and think in a particular manner leaves this body which perishes in this life, but it eventually attaches itself to another form of life. However, we do not remember what has transpired in our previous lives and hence most of us refuse to believe in reincarnation. If we were to remember all that has taken place in our previous births', life would be so confusing. We have not been able to resolve the mysteries of this life, how are we supposed to deal with the complexities of the earlier life if we were to know what had transpired then?

It is so difficult to maintain our present relations with the people around us what would happen if we were to remember all our relations from the previous births as well? Life would be chaotic. God has therefore been kind enough to let us forget the past and live in the present however whatever we have sown in our previous births shall be borne by us in our future births as well. Although we give up the body, the soul transmigrates to another living entity which is given to us by the virtue of our karmas. The kind of body our soul gets in the next life depends on what the soul is entitled for. For all the good that we do our good karmas are accounted for and vice versa. However our life is not a balance sheet where the bad can be balanced against our good actions. We will have to bear the fruits for our bad actions and we shall also bear the fruits of our good actions as our every word spoken and our every action taken has been accounted for and ultimately every birth that we shall take in future is the result of the good and bad actions that we have done in our past life.

When people scowl at the mention of the word ‘reincarnation’ associating it to ‘superstition’ and scorn any kind of discussion on this subject alleging it to be in support of ‘Superstition’, I wonder if they have any valid answer to the queries like ‘What happens to us after death?’ Do they even realize that we are not the body, we are the soul? What explanation would they give if they were to answer whether they believe that they have a soul is what I would like to know. Do they feel that we are the body and not the soul? If we are just the body then after we die why do we say that the person is no more when the body is very much before our eyes? So is reincarnation a reality or a myth???

When people show disbelief in reincarnation or rebirth it means that there is no soul, and the body is driven automatically. Has one ever thought what makes the heart tick or what makes the mind think? Even a pacemaker gives up working after a point of time. The fact is that our body is not immortal, but our soul is, until it is reunited with the super soul. When we say we are the soul then the soul must be going somewhere. It needs to occupy a body which could be in any form. There are numerous species of living entities in the form of plants, insects, birds, animals and human beings. Being born as a human being itself brings us closer to the realization of Life and the supreme power of God since we are the only race to have the ‘power to think’ by the grace of God. A soul transmigrates from these body forms with respect to the ‘karmas’ performed by that particular soul. Our next birth depends upon the ‘karmas’ performed by us in our present birth and our interaction with other living entities also is in proportionate to our ‘karmas’. However, how our good and bad deeds are calculated is the most complex calculation which can never be understood by mortals like us.

What we get out of life and whom we meet in our life is a master plan conceptualized and designed by the Almighty we call ‘GOD’ or the Superpower to some who would not like to term the power as God. No matter how atheist a person is, he would surely believe deep in his heart that there are some powers which rules over us and would probably believe in scientific explanations provided through research done by renowned scientist Dr. Ian Stevenson, a medical doctor who is the former head of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Virginia, and now is Director of the Division of Personality Studies at the University of Virginia. Dr. Stevenson has done rigorous scientific study to explain the existence of reincarnation. Through various cases that he has studied throughout the world, Dr. Stevenson has explained to the world the validity of this extensive study of reincarnation. There are things which happen beyond our control, certain situations suddenly arise without any explanation. What one needs to understand is that there is a difference between philosophical views and superstition. Now reincarnation has been finally realized by the scientific community and the world has accepted it to be the world’s greatest scientific discoveries of all time.

When we talk about reincarnation, the study also involves studies related to our past life experiences. It has been proved time and again that past life regressions are evidence of reincarnation. There have been cases where the story of a past life told through the eyes of a person regressed could be and were actually verified that the people whom these people under hypnosis claimed to be or had been. Those people had really existed in the past. This study is conducted on children who are able to recall in great detail the events, location, relations, and also speak the language in their past birth fluently when in their present life they are not remotely connected to what they have regressed.

The soul occupies a body at birth, lives its life by the virtue of its ‘karma’ and when the ‘karma’ of that life is over, goes to occupy another body which in turn will be a result of the past ‘karma’ of the previous body. Thus, we living entities have entangled ourselves in the continuous process of life and death till we are able to attain ‘moksha’ which is a near to impossible task in this era of ‘kaliyug’. Although one might go onto the path of goodness to attain liberalization by being good to others, we will still be bound by our good karmas if not bad which will cause impediments on our path to ‘moksha’. This is the most difficult aspect however we can atleast improve our life by being conscious of what we speak and what we do since our acts in our present birth shall be reflecting in our future births for sure.

We commit wrongs since we are unaware of our future. We do not think of the consequences we would be facing when we commit a wrong. This happens because we are presently reveling in the fruits of our good karma which has empowered us to such a position where we can do whatever we can and not fear the consequences. Although we can escape punishment in this birth are we sure that our actions are not accounted for? Even scientifically it has been proven that every action has a reaction. We shall all be bearing the fruits of every action that we take, if not in this birth, maybe in the next. So although most of us would believe Reincarnation to be a myth, maybe you would want to look at it as a science if not a reality and change your perception of life and upgrade yourself to a better position to enable your soul to get freed from this cycle of birth and death.

Friday, September 16, 2011

" We 'Stand By' you Adi" !!!


What sets him apart is his simplicity, his down to earth nature, and his welcoming smile. However now he is no more referred to as ‘Maaza Chakula’ but as ‘Rahul Narvekar’. The cute star kid, having played the lead in his home production years ago was his recognition some years ago however ‘ Adinath Kothare’ is the new pin up boy for the teenage girls. With his stubbled look and unkempt hair, Adi is sure to make waves with the female following. Not that he hasn’t already, but by entering Bollywood, the exposure to fan following has multiplied. The young lad has set up his identity with his very first hindi film ‘Stand by’. Adinath Kothare was thus launched in ‘Bollywood’ on 26th August 2011. 

 Following a world wide release Adinath has now reached out to millions of people world wide. Not to mention his former fan following which is growing day by day, Adi is now a known name in houses world wide. Adinath looks at ease in front of the camera and has given an effortless performance. The actor supersedes all new comers and seems fit for Bollywood with his intense and impeccable acting prowess not to mention his good looks. Adi has proved his acting skills in his very first Hindi movie and has made a mark as an intense actor. The scene with our super talented Sachin Khedekar who played his father in the film is enacted with extreme ease by Adi who doesn’t look like an awkward new comer at all. Adi has done fair justice to all his scenes throughout the movie by emoting intense scenes effortlessly and has made his individual presence felt in the movie.

The movie has been given a 3 star rating by critics and with critics just waiting for a loophole to pounce on any new comer, Adi has so far surpassed all the criticism and sailed smoothly through his Bollywood gateway. Here are a few excerpts from critics who have reviewed the film.

"It is Adinath Kothare who catches you with complete surprise in a challenging role that offers him ample scope to exhibit his range as an actor. Here's a talent to watch out for!" - Taran Adarsh; Bollywood Hungama.com (Stand By review)

"Adinath Kothare does a fine job. He has an endearing personality and he acts well."  - Komal Nahta; ETC, Film Information

"The actors have given a good performance. New comer Aadinath Kothare does a good job and seems effortless."  -Letty Mariam Abrahamibnlive.com

"Marathi actor Adinath Kothare too shines with his earnest performance."  - Martin D'Souza, Glamsham Editorial

"Adinath Kothare beautifully switches lane from a helpless player to a confident one." -Dailybhaskar.com 

The journey has only just begun and as it is been said, ‘Picture abhi baaki hai mere dost !’ We all know Adi has miles to go before he is recognized as an established actor. With politics having its hold in every stream of life, it is a tough fight for sure. Wonder if there is a ‘Anna’ somewhere in this filth who would help promote talent not by the virtue of influence but with due respect to talent and art. Our very own Shreyas Talpade has proved that although talent is truly recognized, the meaty role is always given to the one having the cherry on the cake (the influential people). It is necessary for talented artists to meet the right people at the right time and that requires something more than talent. It is the luck factor !

 A good director can do wonders with good talent and vice versa. However the fact cannot be ignored that a good successful film is a complete package having a good producer, able director, crisp editor, cinematographer, and a neat screen play, memorable songs and not to mention the dialogues which are meant to be reminisced for decades. By the mere virtue of songs in the movie, some films have shot to success despite of having statues like Bharat Bhushan, Rajendra Kumar and Pradip Kumar as heroes. Well those were the days when songs could carry off a film on its shoulders however now the liability depends on several factors including sheer dumb luck. The recent lucky bloke having his movies run without the need to possess any individual talent is Emraan Hashmi who has been having super hit songs to his credit making him popular over night. The entry into Bollywood for such actors is a cake-walk. However to sustain their place in this industry requires something more besides talent and that is having ‘lady luck’ by their side. A Salman Khan or Rajnikant movie might not make sense or have any kind of logic in the movie however it still appeals to the masses and the due credit may go only to 'lady luck' who favours them.

Popularity grows by recognition and the manner in which a particular star is introduced in the industry. Although the movie flops, the star is known in the Hindi film industry and is made popular amongst public. Reason could vary from one hit song to gossip causing negative publicity or just belonging to a family having filmy background. Talent as we all know is abundant in our Marathi industry however besides Shreyas Talpade not many have reached to sharing the frame with the likes of Shahrukh Khan and Ajay Devgan and being almost a parallel hero. It is indeed an honour to have such outstanding talent coming form our community and now to join the likes of Shreyas we have our Adinath Kothare and we wish him all the very best in his journey towards stardom. However I hope he continues to remain the same old down to earth Adi we have known for years and may our best wishes and blessings help him in all his future endevours.


Monday, May 16, 2011

' घरचा ओसामा...?'



"US KILLS OSAMA, BLOWS PAK COVER", "Justice done say kin of 9/11 victims" जिथं  पहावं तिथं ओसामा बिन लादेनच्या मृत्यूची चर्चा. जगभर ओसामाच्या मृत्यूचा जल्लोष. सर्व सामान्य घरात सुद्धा हीच चर्चा. दोन दीवसा पूर्वीच, " अगं तू ऐकलंस का? ओसामा गेला" हि टी.व्ही. वर ताजी बातमी ऐकून सासूबाई सांगायला आल्या. इंटरनेट आणि हल्ली 'Facebook' मुळे बातम्या प्रचंड वेघाने पसरतात त्यामुळे ओसामाच्या मृत्यूची बातमी टी व्ही न पाहता माझ्या काना पर्यंत आधीच पोहोचली होती. एका ओसामाचा मृत्यू, U.S.A पासून भारता पर्यंत साजरा होतो आहे खरा परंतु एक ओसामाचा वध करून आपण आतंकवादाचा अंत करू शकतो का? एका ओसामाच्या जागी आता पर्यंत दहा ओसामा तयार झाले असतील. ह्या दहशतवादाला अंत नाही. पैसा, सत्ता आणि प्रसिद्धी, हे कोणाला नको??? जो तो ह्या त्रिकुटाच्या मागे झगडताना आढळतो. 


 जिथे पाहावे तिथे सत्त्ते साठी भुकी माणसं आपलं वर्षास्व दाखवण्याचा प्रयत्न करत असतात. वर्चस्व दाखवायला 'ओसामाच' बनायची गरज नाही, आपल्याला बर्याच घरा मधे सुद्धा ओसामा आढळून येतील. अर्थात ते आतंकवादी नाहीत परंतु सत्ताधारक तरी नक्कीच आहेत. घरोघरी असलेल्या ह्या 'ओसामा' ची विविध रूपं ' ऐकता कपूर' आपल्या ' क.......' च्या धरावाहीकांच्या माध्यमातून आपल्याला इतकी वर्ष दर्शवत आली आहे आणि ऐकता कपूर कढून प्रेरणा घेऊन हल्ली मराठी धारावाहिक सुद्धा त्याच आदिशक्तीच्या जोरावर आपले TRP's वाढवत आहेत. कोणत्याही प्रकारचा कलह घडण्या मागे त्या एका कार्यास्थानी व्यक्तीचा हाथ असतो आणि ती म्हणजे 'स्त्री' !!! 


जर ओसामा एक स्त्री असता तर आता पर्यंत नक्कीच जगाला आपल्या ताब्यात केलं असतं. सगळ्या वहीनीनवर स्त्री ची प्रतिमा आणि भूमिका एक सारखीच दर्शवतात हे माझ्या ऐकिवात आले आहे पण त्या मागे काहीतरी तथ्य असल्या शिवाय नाही. त्या 'IDIOT BOX' पासून मी दहा हाथ लांब असते खरी परंतु त्यात चाललेल्या घडामोडी कोणत्या न कोणत्या मार्गाने ऐकण्यात येतात. एका 'स्त्री' कडे जेवडे शास्त्र आहेत तेवडे कदाचित ओसामा कडे सुद्धा नसतील. सर्वात मोठे शास्त्र आहे तिची कार्यस्थानी बुद्धी आणि दुसरे म्हणजे अश्रू ....  ज्याच्या जोरावर ती आपली सत्ता स्थापित करीत असते. एखाद्या कमकुवत नवर्यावर ह्या दोन शास्त्राचा वापर ती अतिशय सहज रित्या वापरते. परंतु नवरा जर तिच्यापेक्षा प्रभावी असला तर ती तिचे सामर्थ्य व्यर्थ नाही घालवत परंतु तेच उपयोगात आणायला ती इतर माध्यम स्वीकारते. तिचे इतर लक्ष्य म्हणजे घरातील इतर व्यक्ती, किंव्हा कोणीच जर सापडले नाही तर आजू बाजूच्या घरात डोकावून त्यांच्या घरात आपली कार्यस्थाने रचायची. परंतु ती आपली सामभाव्याक्ता कुठेही कमी होऊ देत नाही.  


'ओसामा बिन लादेन' असो किंव्हा हा 'घरचा ओसामा' .... शेवटी एका बाबतीत अगदी सारखे ... कार्यास्थानी !  हल्लची लग्न मोडण्यामागे स्त्री चा वाटा कदाचित पुरुषानपेक्षा अधिक आहे असा म्हणणं चुकीचं ठरणार नाही. कारण बायको म्हणून जरी तिने आपलं वर्चस्व दाखवण्याचा प्रयत्न केला नाही तरी आच्या युगात सुद्धा 'सासूचा' वर्चस्व आहे हि वस्तूस्तीती आहे. अशा गोष्टी कानी पडल्यावर आश्चर्य वाटतं कारण आपल्या आजू बाजूला आपल्याला असे काही आढलताना दिसत नाही परंतु आपल्याला किती घरातली 'अंदर कि खबर' माहिती असते? ती उधळली जाते आपल्या ' Family Court' च्या गाभार्यात. तेव्हा 'स्त्री' ची दुसरी बाजू पहायला मिळते. जे ' ऐकता कपूर'  दर्शवते त्यात काहीतरी तथ्य आहे ह्यावर विश्वास बसायला लागतो. कैकेयी, मंथरा मुळे रामाला वनवास गाठावा लागला. सीते मुळे रामायण घडलं. 'दौपदी मुळे 'महाभारताचा महायुद्ध घडला. ' ' चा 'मा' करणाऱ्या आनंदीबाई होल्कारच होत्या नाही का? अर्जुनाला सुद्धा शिखंडीच्या मदतीमुळे भीष्माचा वध करता आला. राक्षसांचा सर्वनाश करायला सुद्धा त्या परमेश्वराला स्त्री रूपी महादेविलाच अव्तरावाच लागलं. शेवटी तात्पर्य काय??? प्रत्येक घडामोडी मागे स्त्रीचा हाथ असतो. 


असो! परंतु अशी व्यक्ती आपल्या आयुष्यात येण्यामागे  एकच  कारण आहे आणि ते म्हणजे आपले 'भोग' जे आपल्याला भोगावेच लागणार. सगळा हिशोब त्या परमात्म्याकडे आहे जोः आपल्याला आपल्या प्रत्येक अनुभवातून काहीतरी शिकवतो. आपल्या आयुष्यात येणारी प्रत्येक व्यक्ती आपल्याला काहीतरी धडा शिकवून जाते आणि त्याच करणासाठी आपला जन्म होतो कारण हे आपले पुर्व्र जन्माचे भोग आहेत जे आपण निरनिराळ्या तारेने भोगत असतो. 


प्रत्येक नाण्याला जश्या दोन बाजू असतात तसेच ह्या ' घरच्या ओसामा' ला सुद्धा दुसरी बाजू आहेच. तिच्या शिवाय घरचं एक पान सुद्धा हलत नाही. नवर्याची, मुलांची, घराची आणि एका कुटुंबाला लागणाऱ्या सर्व जबादार्या सांभाळायला ती समर्थ आहे. आज स्त्री एका पुर्षाच्या बरोबरीने चालत आहे आणि असं कोणतही मध्यम नाही जिथे ती आपलं कौशल्य दाखवू शकत नाही. जशी पंत प्रधानाची महत्वपूर्ण जबाबदारी श्रीमती इंदिरा गांधीने बखूबी निभावली तर दूसर्या बाजूला फ्लोरेंस नाय्तिंगेल आणि मदार तेरेसा नि आपल्या प्रेमळ, निस्वार्थी स्वभाव आणि बलिदानामुळे आपली छबी ह्या पृथ्वी तालावर सोडली.  आजच्या आपल्या राष्ट्रपती श्रीमती प्रतिभा पाटील असो किंव्हा  NASA च्या Space shuttle मधून जाणारी कल्पना चावला असो. आजची स्त्री पुर्षाच्या बरोबरीने चालत आहे आणि प्रत्येक जबाबदारी यशस्वी रीत्ये सांभाळायला पूर्णतः समर्थ आहे. अशी हि 'स्त्री',  "जसं घडवू शकते तसच बिघडवू पण शकते" म्हणून प्रत्येक स्त्री नि जर आपल्यातला अहंकार, आपल्यातला 'ओसामा' बाहेर कढून टाकला तर पत्येक ' घरच्या ओसामा' चा वध व्हायला वेळ लागणार नाही.