Friday, May 7, 2021

Facebook 'Friends' ... Really ?

During the time Facebook was newly launched, it was soon becoming the most sought after source as 'Orkut' was about to pack its bags. The new rage to locate old friends, school/college mates, distant relatives, was getting popular by the day and it was a pleasure seeing the number of 'Friends' increase on my profile. Being a people's person, I was thrilled to connect with my schoolgirls, accept friendship requests of people sharing mutual friends with me, not to forget my relatives who had settled abroad for years. Facebook had brought the two ends of the world together and it felt like the world was indeed very small.

Just like a child who does not want to let go of his new toy, we were all hooked onto Facebook, me being no exception. It was a thrilling experience to find long lost friends and relatives knowing that they were all out there on one common platform. Wow!!! Now we can stay in touch forever was my naive thought. Gradually friends of friends started sending in friend requests and seeing a trustworthy mutual friend or relative, the new friend was also added to the bandwagon. I'm sure most of you must have done that.

Sharing the ups and downs of our life with our Family and friends was the main purpose of being on Facebook. However, for some it became a free entertainment zone to stalk someone's private life. These people would not share anything about their life but would be the silent stalker who would know everything about whats happening in other's lives. At times I would wonder if they actually accessed Facebook or no or have they unfriended or blocked me as they would not even make their presence felt by liking or commenting on my posts however, they would be there just like a stalker who lurks in the shadows. It was a tedious task to run down the list of Friends as it had crossed a sizeable number only to check if all on my list are my well-wishers or just stalkers.  

As the child batters his latest possession till he gets tired of it, Facebook was abused to the extent that people gradually stopped sharing. The lack of privacy was also becoming a concern. I personally decided to declutter my profile and unabashedly deleted the so-called friends from my list of friends who had made no attempt to communicate even though the friend request had been sent by them. 

This did not stop me from sharing however it continued to be limited to a restricted circle of friends. It had been quite a while since I had checked out the number of 'Friends' on my Facebook profile only to realize that despite of cutting down the numbers, still a lot have not kept in touch which makes me wonder what could be the reason for sending friend requests if the intention was never to maintain 'Friendship'. Are they really 'Friends'??? 

Facebook should have actually considered classifying this category of 'FRIENDS'. They could be one - time acquaintances, relatives, relative of relatives, friend of friends, stalkers, whatever .... but everybody definitely cannot be under the term 'Friends'. A Friend is for Life. The one who stands by you through thick and thin. The one who is true to you behind your back. Then how can everybody come under that term 'Friends' ?  

Ironical it might seem that although technology seemed to have successfully bridged the geographical distance between us, it has created an unfathomable void between us. People started stalking hence people stopped sharing. The wolves started wearing garbs of the lambs and started mingling. It all started looking scary. Trust became a very crucial aspect, and it was difficult befriending anybody without thinking twice. Better stay away and go underground has always been my stand. So that was it.... besides the birthday wishes, I started avoiding any posts to feed the wolves. 

However, the nature of a person rarely changes. I had to be back in the social circle where I belong. The pandemic once again brought me in close contact with social media being the only source to stay connected with my friends and family and bring them together in these difficult times. So, it was back to social media which if used sensibly can indeed be a boon.

So although the thought still remains whether everybody out there is a Friend or not.... Social media is here to stay and so are Socialites like me.