Monday, May 3, 2021

Need or Want ?

What is it that humans really 'need' for a living? Well, our basic school education usually mentions food, clothing and shelter to be our basic 'needs' for survival and truly; life would be so much simpler if we stuck to that.  However there is one very important factor without which even these basic needs cannot be met with. 'MONEY'!!! 

Thats where the entire equation changes. Even before we realize it, the mighty 'M' converts the NEEDS to WANTS. The basic needs that we strive to provide for our family soon extends to necessities and further to luxuries and thereafter there is no turning back. 

A young couple usually considers these three things before giving birth to their child, whether they can provide food, clothing and shelter to their new born child. A new born is sublimely happy feeding off its mother's milk, being sheltered in her arms and clothed with her love and care. Thats momentary though coz once the child grows up and is exposed to the ugly side of this materialistic world, everything changes. The parents 'feel the need' to provide the best for their child and unknowingly enter the 'trap' by 'wanting' the best for the child forgetting what it is that the child ' really needs'. 

The needs are gradually converted to wants and before the parents realize it, they start sacrificing the 'needs' of the child by exposing the child to materialistic things making it look like the child 'NEEDS' it. The child is soon deprived of the time, attention and love from the parents who are too busy fulfilling their increasing 'wants' with the thought that these 'wants' will make them 'happy' not realizing that in this bargain they have already lost a lot.

The struggle to earn more and more money to provide the best for the family pulls us all into this rat race and it becomes a never ending game. However one does not realize the damage it causes. Our wants increase and we dont even realize what is at stake. If I have to mention the stakes here, many might disagree and may have a different point of view however for me there are severe  'cons' to these 'wants'. We lose out on not one by many important factors, that is 'TIME', 'RELATIONS', 'HEALTH', 'PEACE' and eventually .... 'LIFE'!!! 

Most of us dont even realize that anything is at stake till its too late. Money plays such an important role in our lives that we strife all through our lives only to earn money making it the most important factor in our life. I have been witnessing chats on whatsapp groups discussing stocks and business talks only to earn more and more money. Is that all thats left in our lives? MONEY TALK? Friendships are built for material gains and relations sustain only where one is benefitted by monetary or material gains. 

Where have the emotions gone? Isn't there any compassion left amongst humans? Isn't there any other discussion besides talking about money? I will not say money is not necessary. It most definitely is. However we all need a reality check of our life where one needs to understand and identify the difference between 'WANTS' and 'NEEDS'. Although I agree how much one wants and needs is a relative concept, the wants are always seen to been superseding the needs and the one who would disagree with this will always have a strong reason for an argument. 

One might be having a comfortable lifestyle however his greed for wanting more never ceases. For eg. owning an average car could be a necessity however the 'want' of a high end car like probably a Mercedes, BMW or an Audi is a greed for wanting more. One shelter is never sufficient and the 'want' for more and more properties or assets is always the greed with the excuse for creating a security for the future. However one fails to understand that what goes into creating that security is always at a cost. For that, one is willing to compromise and sacrifice quality time with their family and friends, get their health affected by putting in extra hours at work, destroying their peace of mind and in general seeing to it that they make that extra million. What for??? 

The problem that we humans face is that we are never 'satisfied' and always in need of more not knowing or understanding if we really 'NEED' it or no. The greed of wanting more never ceases and the vicious circle continues, thereby sacrificing ones quality of Life. 

However we fail to understand that one day we all have to leave everything behind and exit from this world without taking any of the worldly belongings with us. All the money and the material luxuries bought by us in this lifetime by sacrificing the 'ULTIMATE HAPPINESS' will all be left behind in this material world. So do we really need to sacrifice our 'true happiness' and run behind these worldly possessions knowing that its all going to go away from us? It will all vanish ... in one ppoofff !!! 

However there is one thing which we can take away with us and which will help us in our next birth. Thats our 'KARMA'!!! A good deed always comes back. Be a good Human, do good to all!!! It never fails! This is one investment that goes with us and is returned to us with interest. 

Many have this misconception that merely by not consuming non veg in their lifetime or abstaining from alcohol, gambling or EMA, entitles them to be a GOOD HUMAN!!! However  they fail to admit thats not enough. The only reason for their reluctance to admit this is that they are extremely selfish and self-centered people who cannot think about anybody but themselves. It is not easy for them to think beyond themselves and be selfless. 

A Good Human needs to have compassion towards all not just animals whom they refrain from eating. A vegetarian might want to prove that he is compassionate by not eating animals however he will not care about hurting the feelings of another human being. Would that lack of compassion not count? The hurt caused to the soul is far more grievous than that caused to the body. The equation changes when a good deed is not extended to all living creatures equally.   

The investment of a Good deed yields the highest returns as this investment is carried forward in our next birth.  All we need to take with us are good deeds that make us into better humans in our next birth. Our 'Karma' is what will give us happiness till we are freed of this vicious circle of life and death and merge with the Almighty forever. However, while struggling to make ourselves superficially happy by fulfilling our 'wants' we forget the real necessities required to make our life better, thats Love, Compassion and Care towards other beings. Thats all we need.... To be a Better Human!!! 

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