Thursday, January 1, 2015

Change is the only Constant !

When we talk about ‘change’ how often do we actually incorporate that change in our lives and accept that ‘change’ gracefully? With each passing day we follow our regular routine and a pleasant change in our lives is brought about by special days which we all celebrate in jubilation. It is a change and a welcome change from our mundane lives. Be it Birthdays, Anniversaries, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Diwali, Dasera or even the New Year. The mobile companies make sky rocketing business during these so-called ‘special’ days. However, do these days make any ‘change’ as such in our lives?  Or let me put it this way, do we make efforts to bring about a change in our life following such special days? There have been many who do not accept such changes however they fail to understand that, “He who rejects change is the architect of decay.” 

For instance a Birthday is celebrated as a party and the joy of living through another year and entering the next year. Does the ‘special’ day bring about any significant change in us besides the physical attributes? Do we introspect and make efforts in bringing about a positive change in our behavior or any shortfalls that one possesses? Or do we like to believe that we are ‘God’s man’ who does not need a change? Wouldn’t we become better human beings if we were to bring about that ‘change’ in ourselves? As rightly said by Pauline R. Kezer, “Continuity gives us roots; change gives us branches, letting us stretch and grow and reach new heights.”

Although it may sound clichéd at times but don’t we all love the euphoria connected to those words? Happy Birthday… Happy Anniversary… Happy Diwali … blah blah … and now Happy New Year!!! At times I wonder if some people actually understand the wishes that they pass on when they wish someone. Many a times, it seems as though forwarded wishes are sent without even reading the message that is being forwarded. 

These are joyous days for sure if the wishes are really meant in the true sense and not just in the form of forwarded messages sent as a formality. When we mean Happy New Year it is meant to pass on good wishes and moreover ‘grow’ as a human being by bringing about a ‘change’ in oneself as a person in the forthcoming year. With the passage of each year, a resolution is made by many eventually to be broken, however it shows one positive sign that the person realizes the mistakes he/she has been committing so far and intends to rectify it in the coming year. The positive note being: the sense of ‘self-realization’. 

How many of us introspect and take efforts to mend ourselves? New Year is only looked upon as ‘party time’ by all of us. Gathering around with friends or family to have a joyful time to welcome the New Year, but isn’t the party just like any other party we usually have? All that changes is the yearly calendar. People remain the same; their sentiments and their behavior towards everyone also remain the same. Then what is so special about bringing in the New Year with such an extravaganza when nothing changes? Is such a celebration only meant for the yearly calendar? Such high regards for a mere change in calendar which shows the upcoming long weekends to party harder?

Have we even paused to look at our lives? Every day teaches us something new. We meet different people who treat us differently. Some with love, care, compassion, some with hatred, some with curiosity, and some with envy, so on and so forth. The same goes for the existing people in our life. As we enter a new year, besides getting over a hangover why don’t we try to cleanse our conscious to be a better human being in future? The New year morning is spent by all forwarding ‘Happy New Year’ messages to all on their phone list but are we willing to ‘change’ our behavior and actually be instrumental in making that year ‘Happy’ for the person we just wished? 

It is sad to note that mandatory wishes which have only remained as words sans any emotions are doing the rounds in all the mobile phones and social networking sites. Whether one has any feelings towards the other or not, what does it take to type three words as text or better still a forwarded message which does the trick of fulfilling a formality?

Happy New Year! Mean it from the heart and it really conveys such heartfelt emotions which I have been fortunate to experience from many who conveyed their good wishes to me on the first day of this wonderful year. The emotions are conveyed through sound, through communication which has lost its value with the ‘change’ brought about by technology. Well, that is contradictory to the ‘change’ I am talking about as I am looking towards a positive ‘change’ in our lives and not something that would ruin the existing warmth of relations which can be effectively communicated through direct speech. 

Looks like the use of technology is to safeguard oneself and avoid direct communication so that the true feelings are kept under wraps. A message sent with a smiley or a winky plays safe even if one does not intend to smile. Similarly a Happy …. , Happy… message is easily sent across even if one does not wish happiness for the other. Wishing someone a good year means that you really wish the New Year brings in good luck and happiness to the one you wish. However if we are not willing to ‘change’ our own behavior towards that person and continue to harbor ill-feelings towards the other person be it in the form of hatred, despise, jealousy, anger or even EGO, does the word ‘HAPPY’ in your wishes mean anything at all?

The New Year needs to be welcomed with a ‘change’ and that too with a positive change in every form. Be it in the form of progress of the world, the nation, or even in the progress of ‘oneself’. This special day ought to be celebrated with all the pomp and jubilation to commemorate the upcoming ‘change’ which we are to bring about by self-realization. What better way to celebrate the new ‘you’ by leaving behind the negativities of oneself and ‘changing’ yourself to spread happiness. However one needs to have a big heart to acknowledge the fact that one needs that ‘change’ else this ritual of wishing each other, “Happy … , Happy …” is going to be limited only to words which do not mean anything. 

Let us begin the New Year by bringing about a ‘change’ in ourselves and see ourselves grow as a good human being as we change the pages of our calendar and be responsible in making a ‘positive change’ in the lives of our family and friends as we wish each other a Happy New Year next year.