Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Why do we wait???

Why do we wait??? 

Does it take a 'death' to express our feelings? Don't we take people for granted? We don't know how far we are from our last breath. Neither do we know if the person across is going to be alive the next second. Death comes unannounced and sweeps us off our feet. 

Every death of a near and dear one makes me want to remind everybody that Life is too short. There is no point withholding your feelings to yourself. I believe in expressing myself and have been conveying my feelings to the ones who matter to me either by words or deeds. However there are a whole lot of people out there who regret for not having expressed their feelings to the ones who matter and before they know, they have lost them forever.

Over the years we live under this suspense of do we really matter to someone or no? Are we that important in anybody's life that we will be missed once we are gone? All the doubts  and uncertainties leading to  suspicions and misunderstandings. Wouldn't they just vanish if we just talk it out and express ourselves with the faith in our relationship that we will not be misunderstood? 

The bottom line is faith and trust in the relationship. If the relation matters to you then the risk is worth taking if one is skeptical of expressing and letting their hearts out. 

If we don't have the heart to say good things to a person while he/ahe is alive then there is no point expressing grief on their death bed.

The realization that hits thereafter is heart wrenching. Memories with the lost one resurface and then surges the desire to express the loss. However the one who would have loved to know what he/she meant to you will never know as its too late to express. The only ones who get to hear your feelings are the ones to whom it does not matter.

So is it worth waiting? Why do we wait to express our feelings to the ones who matter? That's something I've yet not understood. 

If a person matters to you go right ahead and express your feelings towards that person coz life is unpredictable. Nobody can assure that they are going to be there the next moment. You wouldn't want to regret to express yourself while the person was alive right? 
Is  it worth not expressing at the right time? So what are you waiting for?