Thursday, May 18, 2023

The Toast !

Dear Aai Daddy,
We would have been planning a grand celebration this year. To celebrate the beginning of our existence in this world as a family. The day you both united as a couple 50 years ago. 18th May 1973, the day we have been celebrating for the past 47 years. 

The 50th year celebration planning would have begun a year in advance. But since we are not fortunate enough to do that, you and Aai deserve atleast a toast to honour this day. 

Had Aai still been with us here, my toast would have been different but nevertheless here goes....

These 50 years have not been a cakewalk for sure but what touches me most is the way you both made it work. It has not only taken adjustments and compromises on both ends but a lot of understanding,  love and respect towards each other. These virtues are more appreciated as they are not to be seen in the current generation which has resulted in a steep rise of Divorces.

As I reminisce our past,  it has truly been a beautiful journey for us as your children. Ẁe have been fortunate enough to have witnessed a beautiful childhood under your protective and loving care. God could not be present physically to take care of us but we could experience the presence of God through you both. 

Aai... I feel we were fortunate enough to have you as a homemaker and not a working woman. I feel incomplete myself as I'm unable to be with my children the way you had been for us although I'm struggling to strike a balance. 

You have been there for us when we needed you the most. We have been fortunate to have your magic touch to our daily meals. Can still remember the wonderful aroma that used to drift throughout the house when you would be in the kitchen. The Chicken or Mutton which used to be cooked only on Sundays in those days would make us feel hungry instantly. Not to forget the afternoon snacks of Waffles or the tikhat rawa with karandi. Our market visits also used to be fun as I would cling on to your arm whilst we walked through the crowded Malad streets. Every visit we would return with loads of goodies and it used to be an enjoyable visit even if it was to the market. 

Your hands on my forehead were the perfect healers when sick. Although your hands have been replaced by Deepak's and the kids, Aai you are sorely missed. Placing my head on your lap, or being cuddled by you would make me feel secure. You had given me so much of love,  care and security that I am bound to miss every minute of that throughout my life.

I have imbibed a lot from you as obviously every child does from their parents. Every child feels their parent is the best and I am no exception. But I am grateful to God for gifting us with you as our Aai and to the wonderful moments we have shared with you in the little time he gave us to be together. 

Daddy... I'm so proud to say that this soft spoken, hard working, meticulous, patient, practical, devoted, caring, disciplined and the most principled man is our Daddy, who is my pillar of strength. These adjectives are not for glorification or decoration but Daddy you are indeed all of the above.  Yes, I'm your little girl till date and I will hold on to your little finger forever.

I so look upto you for being the way you are Daddy. I wish I could have been so meticulous and disciplined the way you are in every field of life. You have spent your entire life working for us to make life so easy and beautiful for us. Appreciate the way you are so dedicated to your work and are still working when most of the people your age are relaxing and enjoying their retired life. Kudos to you. 

Throughout my childhood, I don't recollect any incident where I had longed for something and I was not given. I did not have to ask anything from you as everything was provided to me even before I could think of asking. This habit has grown on me and continues even now. I don't like to ask anything from anyone and I feel the other person ought to understand my needs just like my Aai Daddy did. Bad habit I suppose. 😊

Although I still get scared to drive in the crazy Mumbai traffic, my memory takes me down to my first driving lesson which you gave me on our Fiat car during my school days. I did not have to walk to school early morning with the heavy school bag as the daily one-way drop to school by car was a luxury those days, school being easily a 20 minute walk from home.

Memories are a plenty. Some to be shared with all and some to be treasured just amongst us.  When I see broken families these days, I thank God for blessing us with parents like you and Aai. The way you both had accepted each others flaws and made the marriage work is something which is not seen in the current generation. I admire you for standing by each other through thick and thin. Daddy, I don't think anybody would be able to take care of their wife the way you have taken care of Aai during her last decade. I truly admire you for that Daddy and have immense respect for you. You are truly the perfect husband and father. 

Thanking you and Aai for the wonderful life that you have provided me and Shrinal would seem clichéd and formal but cannot stop expressing my gratitude towards you and Aai for everything you have done for us and for still continuing to take care of us. May God bless our family forever and keep us away from the evil eye. We would have loved to celebrate your 50th Wedding Anniversary today but unfortunately God had other plans.

All I pray to God is to keep you happy, healthy, contented and may you have a peaceful life ahead. Some people like to express some just leave it unsaid ... some don't think it's important to say it in words and some have their own views about sharing in public. But I'm the expressive kinds and love to express and share my feelings in words which last forever.  Love you Aai Daddy for everything that you have given us in this life.