Sunday, July 9, 2023

On the threshold!

As I was looking back over the years last night, it was a surge of emotions. The greys reminded me how time has flown. Another year gone by and the realisation that time is running out. Yes,  it's a day to celebrate for sure. Despite knowing what the Bhagvad Gita has to say about our soul being sent to earth as an atonement of our sins, I still feel blessed to be born and given this human life. 

Yeah, I agree life has not been a cake walk. Infact it has been a massive roller coaster ride so far... but that's what 'Life' is.😊  But as I was reminiscing what had gone by, I could only see the blessings Life has bestowed upon me. I would have missed the beautiful nature God has created, our 5 major senses due to which we are able to enjoy this life, our emotions, our memory,  intelligence and much more which is  given by God in so much abundance that its only gratitude what I feel for him. He has made life so meaningful, beautiful and enjoyable. 

I have come across such wonderful people throughout this beautiful path. Although I will not want to name them here, I am sure they will know whom I'm talking about. The ones who are a part of my day to day to life, you all are so special and important to me that I don't want to imagine my life without you. You have made my life sooooo beautiful that I cherish and look forward to sharing many more happy moments with you. 🤗

God has taken care, protected and showered me with abundant love in the form of my parents, my husband and my children. Stood by me in the form of my brothers and my besties who are nothing but Family to me having helped me withstand all hurdles in life. My lifeboat has managed to sustain all storms due to these anchors in my life and I need you all to know how much I cherish your existence in my life. 🤗

All through these years God has put me in several situations which has exposed the multiple toxic elements whom I needed to eliminate from my life so as to reduce the deep plunges in the graph of my life. And yes, it's been a blessing in disguise. Despite all this, I still maintain God had been kind and generous to me throughout the 49 years of my life. 🙏

Today as I stand on the threshold of my landmark Birthday, I would like to make it memorable for the upcoming year and the rest of my life. Have lots to say but would like to save it for the next year. (Hopefully I should be around by then.) 😉

I have managed to live these 49 years of my life to the fullest thanks not only to God but thanks to that angel which was sent by him on earth to take care of me in his place ... Deepak.😘 Its only coz of him that I was able to tick mark most of the things on my bucket list for this life.  Although a few more things are still pending on my Bucket list, by the grace of God will try to tick mark those in this birth before moving on further in my journey of salvation. 

I take this opportunity to thank all you wonderful people in my life who are taking time out to read this. The ones who have stood by me through thick and thin and also the ones who have taught me that Life is not a bed a roses and that I will need to deal with the thorns too. 

Life is beautiful hence I choose to eliminate negativity from my life and proceed on my journey with the selected few who will be a part of the rest of my life as you make my life happy, contended, peaceful and worth every breath I take. Looking forward to the upcoming year and many more years to come with my chosen ones. 🤗