Saturday, February 10, 2024

Pondering Reflections - No.2


“Tu jaa”.....”Tu jaa” … the tone was authorative and firm enough to catch my attention and for me to turn around to check out the source of the dominating voice. A young girl in her late twenties was admonishing a boy about the same age who apparently seemed to be her boyfriend, asking him to go away. Prima facie it looked as though the young couple was having a lovers tiff.

 I happened to overhear a part of the conversation which partly revealed that the boy had not been able to meet her at a fixed time. The boy was apparently trying to cajole the girl who was acting too pricey. From the looks of it, the young lad was apologetic and was trying to explain that he was held up at work but the girl was being adamant and refused to listen to him. The young boy was extremely patient and tried his level best to make her understand however the girl was not willing to let go and remained firm on her stand behaving quite haughtily. 

Finally, he said, "Ye tu theek nahi kar rahi." It was apparent that he did not appreciate her behavior but was giving in to her tantrums out of 'love'. I half expected him to walk away after being treated in this manner but to my dismay he didn't. But the worst was yet to come. 

The girl got up and strode off, knowing very well that the boy is going to follow her. As she snootily walked away, I was appalled to see the boy who had resented her behavior a few minutes ago, running behind her like a puppy wagging his tail. 

It was evident that the girl was in the commanding position in their relationship. She was very well aware that her anger will get the boy spinning around her and so he did. How I wished he didn't !!!

I let my thoughts wander and fast forwarded their life. If they were to get married in a few years,  the girl is bound to continue to twist the boy around her little finger and have him dancing to her tunes. He might do so for some years as he is in the so called 'love' mode.  However, for how long will he be able to tolerate her  tantrums and her dominating behaviour ??? No man with some amount of self respect will tolerate this behaviour. My experience tells me that such tantrums cannot be tolerated for a longer period by a man having some dignity. 

Both would be happy in the relationship only if they truly loved each other. But do they even know what 'real' love is like, I wondered!

The commanding nature of the girl clearly indicates that she never loved the boy however she was basking in his attention and enjoying making him follow her dictates.  Incase the marriage sustains,  it will only be a compromise and an obligation on the part of the young boy who unfortunately believes this to be 'love'. 

Hoping that better sense prevails the young lad before it's too late, I halted my contemplations only to ponder over something else. 

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