Thursday, January 18, 2024

Pondering Reflections - No.1

As I walked down the familiar stretch sensing the usual annoying happenings around, I couldn't help but visualise 'cockroaches'!!!

The disgusting, repulsive, abhorrent, loathsome creatures had taken a human form in front of me as they ran helter skelter towards me, by my sides, even behind me, jostling each other, or even walking as though the others did not exist. 

 I was at the railway station attempting to cross the 1 minute stretch which easily takes about 5 minutes for me everyday. Yeah, every minute is precious when you have to take a specific train to reach on time which is extremely important for me. I would have been able to take my train had it not been for these irritating creatures lacking basic civic sense. 

Being methodical myself, I am adherent to a disciplined lifestyle and any amount of indiscipline or incivility annoys me. Why couldn't these cockroaches be more like the ants I thought. Have you ever seen a colony of ants travel from one place to the other??? They always walk one behind the other in a disciplined line. Why can't these cockroaches learn to be more disciplined and imbibe some civic sense? Some never change and will never grow as they do not see it as a possibility not only to improve individually but also as a social responsibility towards the society. 

As I was descending the stairs, I saw one cockroach fast approaching me as though I did not exist. It was a close shave as I nearly managed to escape from colliding into him. No sooner did I heave a sigh of relief, in a brief moment, I saw that there were about 5-6 more cockroaches who were heading towards me. Once again, I managed to step aside in order to avoid a stampede. After being shoved around, and recovering from the fact that I could have easily tumbled down the stairs, I finally managed to reach the platform only to see that I had missed my train ! 

An identical situation is seen on the roads. Drivers going on a rampant spree, driving recklessly on a road full of vehicles is a daily sore sight. We have no traffic discipline in India. Be it a highly qualified person driving his vehicle or an uneducated person, the outcome is the same. Education has no role to play. All that was taught in school goes down the drain. The sufferers are the handful who are disciplined, following the rules and maintaining civic sense. However, being in the minority we are incapable of changing the system.

 Looks like these poor underprivileged folks had not been to school coz' as far as I recall, we have been taught the basic discipline that while descending the steps, a person is on the left of the stairs and the ones ascending are on the right. While ascending the stairs the person is on the left side of the stairs and the person descending is on your right... however, in a straight line! Well, isn't that basic? Am I expecting a bit too much of civility from them? 

Just the other day I happened to come across a video somewhere in Japan or China where I could see discipline embedded in almost every individual. Be it in a crowded street or on the ecsalator or even entering the trains, the kind of discipline they have is incomparable. It is impossible to expect that from Indians. Changing the system might take centuries or might never happen and from what I see, situation is worsening day by day and to our disgrace, education these days has no role to play where civic sense is considered in Indians.

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